Impenetrable defenses key to CHSL field hockey victories for Marian

Impenetrable defenses key to CHSL field hockey victories for Marian

October 5, 2023

ANN ARBOR — In field hockey, the goalkeeper is literally the last line of defense.

In the Catholic League girls field hockey championship games Sept. 30 at Fr. Gabriel Richard High School, the "last line" of defense appeared to be at midfield.

That was the predicament Farmington Hills Mercy's squad found itself forced to deal with against archrival Bloomfield Hills Marian in the Bishop Division finale.

Marian's corps of midfielders and defenders formed an impenetrable defense from the start for the 4-0 victory. Mercy's offense wasn't able to cross into the Mustangs' side of the field in the opening 10 minutes of the first quarter to set the tone of the game.

Mercy (5-6-1) was unable to fire a shot on goal for the contest against Marian's goalies, seniors Isabella Denipoti and sophomore Sienna Wilcox.

"We kept up the momentum," said Karen Wick, who has coached Marian for 12 years. "The girls worked hard to get here."

The Mustangs (9-4-1) scored a goal a quarter: sophomore Julia Rogers in the first quarter, senior forward Ava Dietz in the second and fourth quarters, and junior Annika Triemstra in the third.

Mercy goalie Morgan Sarafa fended off 23 shots on goal.

It was Marian's first title since 2016 and 10th overall since the sport was sanctioned by the CHSL in 2006.

(Story by Don Horkey | Special to Detroit Catholic)